Friday, May 9, 2008

Lunch for pleasure ♪

I usually bring my lunch in a lunch box to school. It is my mother's made. She makes it every time in the morning. It is really delicious every day, and I get never tired of it.

However, I sometimes buy something for lunch as she can relax in the morning, and it was today. On campus, there are a convenience store, a student's cafeteria and a bakery. I wanted to enjoy this for a change, and I did not intend to go to the convenience store. It spent a time to make a selection from a fried chicken lunch pack of the student's cafeteria and breads of the bakery. My friend was also puzzled which to choose, the cafeteria or bakery.

As a result, we chose the bakery, and enjoy the breads. I had a loaf of powdered green tea, a sand with broil chicken and a loaf of tuna. Besides, I bought a bag of the rusk for snack. It was only fifty yen. It tasted really good, and it was very fragrant.

You know, lately I have really enjoyed eating! I will never suffer from summer heat!

[193 words ― total 5229 words]

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