Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Honors class Reading

  I read this week "SALLY'S PHONE". I enjoy the reading.
  Sally, the heroine, constantly receive a call from her boyfriend, Andrew. Her phone often rings, and she always fulfills his instruction and act in compliance with his wishes―from the time for dating to the color of her skirt! He says it must be blue, because he likes blue. But she met a guy named Paul by chance. Going to the party with him, she turns the phone off. Before the party, Paul says that Sally's red skirt is nice. Sally becomes very happy.
  I thought it is useless to be submissive to others, although cooperation is necessary. And I will never be a slave to phone!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Honors class Reading

  I read "Parallel" this week.
  The key line of this story is "We make decisions. Lots of decisions. Little decisions, big decisions...Our decisions make a difference to our lives." That's right, isn't it? I sometimes consider what am I doing now if I made a different decision before. Everyone is the same, I think. That's interesting.
  But I will read a book with happy ending.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Speaking class Activity: My impression

  In this week, we had a presentation about the future of the world. There were many opinions in groups.
  Some students think about a bright or ideal future, others think about a leak or bad future. When we say our own opinion, each personality come out. It's very interesting. That's my impression on this presentation.