Thursday, June 26, 2008

BR1-13: Save Floppy!

I would like to introduce the book, "Save Floppy!" of Oxford Reading Tree. I chose it, because Floppy with the uneasy face on the book cover looks so cute.

Floppy is a dog, which Biff has, I think. I have a dog too, and I love dogs. I felt Biff was brave enough to save Floppy. Besides, she has the devotion to save him even there are some dangers. Good. I think I will do so too. This spirit is very important thing for all people, isn't it?

However, I do not think Floppy is clever dog, because dogs loves their master and try to get back to them. I hope that my dog tries so, but what is the best is that my dog is always with me.

[130 words ― total 11847 words]

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